Kate Bengtson, June 2022

As an instructional technologist, a student of the mind, a person of faith, a life-long learner, a parent, and a zealot for educational practice that is firmly founded upon learning theory and rigorous scholarship, I am regularly asking this question:

“Why are we here? How are we going to walk away changed? What is our learning objective?”

And so, it is only fitting, that the home page of this ePortfolio begin thusly:

Learning Objectives

By the end of this ePortfolio, you will be able to:

Reflect on a few pedagogical philosophies of an amateur instructional technologists and consider how these philosophies might be applied to various components of a life well-lived.

Explore the professional artifacts and capacities of said amateur instructional technologist and discern her abilities, proclivities, and oddities.

Articulate components of an exemplar ePortfolio and comment on whether or not those components should be incorporated into your own ePortfolio project.

Become inspired to continue learning, reflecting, and questioning.
